
    1. Kyudo Syahohassetsu
    2. What to wear when going to the dojo for the first time.
    3. How to greet people in a Kyudo dojo.
    4. Let’s keep the dojo clean.
    5. Preparatory exercises incorporating image training for Syahohassetsu.
    6. How to do Ashibumi to stabilize the Sya.
    7. Beautiful ways to sit and stand.
    8. How to perform beautiful Rei and Yu.
    9. How to make a rubber bow for training to draw with the elbow, not the hand.
    10. Gomuyumi practice. The image of actions for level 1.
    11. Performing beautifully with a Gomuyumi, comparable to first Dan.
    12. Key points for beautifully performing Rei and Yu in the proper Seiza.
    13. How to walk without moving the body in Suriashi.
    14. How to wear Dogi and Hakama.
    15. How to tie an easy and loose obi.
    16. How to wear the Obi and Hakama beautifully.
    17. How to choice first Kake.
    18. Making easy to use Shitagake.
    19. How to wear the Kake.
    20. The key is to apply plenty of Giriko.
    21. How to store the Kake for long-term use without damaging it.
    22. How to choose a Tabi Shoes for beautiful movement.
    23. How to wear a Muneate so it doesn’t interfere with drawing the bow.
    24. How to take arrows out of the quiver without damaging them.
    25. How to keep your arrows beautiful.
    26. What to do when you buy a Yumi.
    27. How to make Nigirikawa.
    28. How to make Tsuruwa
    29. How to make a good Tsuruwa with the new Tsuru.
    30. How to attach the Tsuru to keep using the bow for a long time.
    31. Fit the Tsuru into the groove of the Kake.
    32. Key points when holding arrows.
    33. Training to avoid wobbling in the Toriyumi posture.
    34. First, let’s learn to perform beautifully with a single arrow.
    35. Points to do beautifully from Dozukuri to Torikake.